Upcoming Meetings

Upcoming Meetings

HPMA Virtual meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 5:00 p.m. Please see the event calendar for more details.

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Hello new and prospective members.

Coronavirus COVID 19 Resources 

Hawaii Psychiatric Medical Association is trying to be a source of resources to the psychiatrist of Hawaii when dealing with the novel coronavirus COVID-19.  HPMA is working with the Hawaii Medical Association, Hawaii Department of Health and American Psychiatric Association to provide you with updated information. 


What You Should Know About COVID-19

There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19, so the best way for patients to prevent illness is to avoid exposure.  The CDC recommends every day preventive actions:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then thew the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment

Click here to download handbook.

Stay Up To Date

Guidance is rapidly changing as new evidence arises.  Please ensure you check the CDC website for the most up to date information.

To provide support in the response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), APA is collecting authoritative and timely resources in this information hub.

If you are a patient or family member or friend in need of immediate assistance:

  • Disaster Distress Helpline Call 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Call 1-800-273-8255 for Chat with Lifeline
  • Crisis Textline Text TALK to 741741


Practice Guidance for COVID-19

APA Urges CMS to Waive Telepsychiatry Video Requirements

COVID-19 May Bring Long-Term Changes to Medical Student Education

Click here for additional information and resources from APA.

The AMA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are closely monitoring the outbreak of COVD-19 (2019 novel coronavirus)

The Hawaii Medical Association is working closely with the Hawaii Department of Health and relevant partners within the state to ensure that the physicians community of Hawaii is well informed and have the resources necessary to provide quality care to patients during the developing COVID-19 outbreak.  HMA and Hawaii DOH will continue to keep the physician community, as well as Hawaii communities educated and informed on efforts to prevent the spread of the virus.

Additional Resources


2015 President's Message


February 9, 2015

Dear fellow HPMA members:

Greetings from Honolulu! I hope all of you are doing well in 2015. Many of you had recently attended, in person or remotely, Dr. Larry Faulkner’s talk on maintenance of certification (MOC) in psychiatry. As president of ABPN and guest of HPMA, Dr. Faulkner gave a very informative talk, and his MOC presentation can also be viewed at http://www.abpn.com/webinars.html

I now want to take this opportunity to provide a few important updates for all members.

First, we have been working on some much needed structural changes at HPMA, involving taking advantage of web access to enhance member communication. We have greatly expanded the HPMA website (http://www.hawaiipsychiatry.org), where members can access information on our monthly meetings, special announcements, and materials pertinent to our various educational events. The log-in information should be the same as your APA membership login.

In addition, starting with the February meeting, I am very excited to say that we will have capacity for remote access and participation by members not able to attend in person, such as those not on Oahu. I am aware that this has been a lingering concern by many members, and I want to thank Dr. Alex Serghi in particular for navigating through all the technological challenges to make this possible. There will be instructions on the monthly meeting announcement on how you can join the meeting, together with a contact phone number if you encounter problems. We realize this very much is still a work in progress, with possible glitches, so please be patient and give us your  feedback. I do look forward to hearing from more of you at our meetings from now on.

Second, there are legislative actions in Hawaii that are likely to have long-lasting impacts on our practice of psychiatry. The most important issue deals with psychologists asking to have prescriptive authority, in a manner that some of our members referred to as a “crash course” with many safety concerns. Our HPMA legislative representatives, Dr. Michael Champion and Dr. Jeff Akaka, are closely following this development. We are also discussing to what extent HPMA can help to shape the outcome of these legislative initiatives, in as much a manner consistent with the overall view of our members. We will devote a substantial amount of time at our February meeting on this, and, if you are not able to make it, please let our legislative representatives know your views and how you may be able to assist.

Lastly, we have continued to expand the tradition of our “Hot Topics” talks, inviting special guests to our monthly meeting to talk about pertinent issues in an informal, collegial, and interactive manner. Some recent topics have ranged from latest clinical advances to meeting challenges in the ongoing healthcare reform. For our membership at large, we will continue to have special educational talks (DSMV in 2014, MOC in 2015), with the next one scheduled in March of 2015 on pharmacogenomics in psychiatry. I hope you can join us as well as suggesting any future topics or special guests. Again, we are planning to have live remote access for all of these events.

Thank you again for your continued support and membership. The HPMA officers and I hope to be able to meet more of you in person, to hear your views and suggestions on how HPMA can further serve the interests of its members. We will be present to host a members event in Maui in February, with plans to have similar events on other islands. You will be receiving an invitation from the HPMA representative for each island, once we have determined a date. There will also be opportunities for HPMA officer positions for the 2015-16 year, and, if you are interested in becoming a nominee for this worthy, all-volunteer effort, please contact Dr. Celia Ona, who heads the nomination team, or let me know.

You should soon be receiving our February meeting agenda, which contains many of the items I have alluded to in this letter.

Sincerely and with warmest Aloha,


Brett Y. Lu MD/PhD
President of HPMA, 2014-15
[email protected]
cell: 808-285-9271



HPMA Policies


  • Obtaining local administrative assistance:  From time to time, HPMA may require local administrative assistance, including but not limited to technical support for the monthly meeting and logistics coordination for special meetings. These third-party personnel and reimbursement amounts (typically at $20-$30 per hour as of 2014-5) are approved by the DB president, his/her designee, or the executive council.
  • Requests to access HPMA Listserv:  Requests to access HPMA email listserv by academic institutions, not-for-profit organizations, or APA members to announce educational or service opportunities are usually granted upon the approval of the HPMA president or his/her designee. The HPMA office will obtain the pertinent information and distribute via the listserv.  As a courtesy, the information will also be placed in the classified section of the HPMA website, free of charge, and in the event calender, if applicable.  Requests to access HPMA email listerv by employers looking to hire or individuals looking to announce for-profit services, treatment, or health programs are typically denied. The HPMA will ask them to place an advertisement in the classified section of the HPMA website and pay the appropriate fee.
  • Member Travel Reimbursements:  HPMA will support member travels to national meetings on behalf of the district branch. These can include meetings that are only partially reimbursed by APA and the national annual APA meeting for district branch president orientation. Support is contingent on availability of local district funds and PRIOR approval of HPMA executive officers (president, treasurer, secretary, or their designee), typically at no greater than $1000 for flight and no greater than $500 for lodging
  • Member Referrals:  Ask the HPMA office to help gather the insurance and the contact info (email or phone number), and to make sure with the HPMA president or another HPMA officer that it is appropriate for distribution via our email list. If appropriate for distribution, HPMA office will send out a email via the membership listserve to ask if anyone is interested in providing care.




In this section please find an archive of documents and hot topic presentations from our monthly member meetings.

Past Meeting Minutes Database

Recent Meetings:

January 2021

November 2020

  • November Agenda
  • October Minutes 

October 2020

  • October Agenda
  • September Minutes

September 2020

August 2020

July 2020

June 2020

  • June Agenda
  • May Minutes 

May 2020

April 2020

March 2020

  • March Agenda
  • February Minutes 

February 2020

January 2020

December 2019

  • December  Agenda
  • November Minutes 

November 2019

  • November Agenda
  • October Minutes 

October 2019

  • October Agenda
  • September Minutes 

September 2019

  • September Agenda
  • August Minutes 

August 2019

  • August Agenda
  • July Minutes 

July 2019

  • July Agenda
  • June Minutes 

June 2019

  • June Agenda
  • April Minutes 

April 2019

March 2019

February 2019

January 2019 Meeting

December 2018 Meeting

November 2018 Meeting

October 2018 Meeting

September 2018 Meeting

August 2018 Meeting

July 2018 Meeting

June 2018 Meeting

April 2018 Meeting

March 2018 Meeting

February 2018 Meeting

January 2018 Meeting

December 2017 Meeting

November 2017 Meeting

October 2017 Meeting

September 2017 Meeting

August 2017 Meeting

July 2017 Meeting

June 2017 Meeting

April 2017 Meeting

March 2017 Meeting

February 2017 Meeting

January 2017 Meeting

December 2016 Meeting

November 2016 Meeting  

October 2016 Meeting  

September 2016 Meeting  

August 2016 Meeting  

July 2016 Meeting  

June 2016 Meeting 

April 2016 Meeting

March 2016 Meeting

February 2016 Meeting

January 2016 Meeting

Past Meetings Database

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